Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Punched Valentines

Good Morning Everyone!!  We received quite a bit of snow here on the weekend and are still working on digging out!! We've shovelled the drive and sidewalks several times now, it just doesn't seem to want to go away.  Yesterday afternoon the sun finally decided to shine, so with luck we'll see some more of that.  I don't mind the cold at all, nor do I mind the snow, but I sure don't like gloomy days! Gotta have my sunshine. :)

Today's Valentine is very simple yet quite eye catching.  I had the circles and hearts laying on my desk from another card sketch, and thought I'd try a modern, simple card. I love how it turned out, and thought the button in the middle was a good match to the Pretty In Pink. This could also be a "guy" card I think (minus the pink button though!!).  You could even change the hearts to black and white or blue and white if you wanted.

Thanks for dropping by and hope your day is fabulous!!

Deb :)


The Other Patti Sue said...

This is just adorable! Love the colors... I feel a CASE coming on!

Beth said...

I love all the textures on this card and the design is perfect for the punched hearts!